Raw Honey Calcite 2-3" Piece
Calcite is derived from the Greek word Calix which in English means lime. These are common minerals abundant on planet Earth. Honey calcite has a chemical formula of CaCO3. Belonging to the calcite family, Honey calcite is a calcium carbonate mineral that is readily available in many geological environments. This honey-colored crystal contains iron and can be spotted in different locations around the world, including Mexico, India, Africa, Belgium, France, Sweden, Brazil, the Czech Republic, and the USA.
This is one of the best specimens known for its honey-yellow color also called Amber calcite and Golden calcite. The presence of impurities made the honey-yellow color of calcite. Specifically iron ions, within the rhombohedral crystal structure. The iron ions absorb specific wavelengths of light, which results in yellow color. The intensity of the yellow color can vary depending on the amount of iron present, the angle of light hitting the specimen, and the way it’s cut. Some transparent to opaque specimens may appear more yellow in one direction than another due to the distribution of the ions iron contents honey calcite crystal structure.
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While crystals have been used throughout time to heal medical and emotional ailments, the information on this website is not to be taken as medical advice or to replace proper medical advice and care. Additionally, you should always follow the advice of medical professionals per their diagnoses. Crystal healing should only be seen as supplemental.