Chakra Bracelet
Clear Quartz, Carnelian, Amethyst, Green Aventurine, Sodalite, Tigers Eye, Yellow Calcite with Chakra symbol Charms.
Exploring the Power of Chakras
Chakras are energy centres in the body that help to promote balance and health. In this blog post, we’ll explore the ways that connecting with these points can support us both physically and spiritually.
Starting at the base of our spine, we have the root chakra which is associated with survival and safety. It helps us to build a foundation for ourselves in order to feel secure, allowing us to connect more deeply with the physical world around us. When out of balance, it can lead to feelings of fear, insecurity or restlessness.
Just above the root chakra is the sacral chakra which is associated with creativity and pleasure. This energy centre helps us to express ourselves confidently and enjoy life—allowing us to make space for exciting experiences as well as manifesting our dreams into reality. When out of balance, it can lead to feelings of guilt, jealousy or being emotionally drained.
Moving up further along our spine is the solar plexus chakra which is associated with personal power and self-esteem. This energy centre encourages us to take ownership over our lives—letting go of unhealthy patterns so that we can live authentically according to our own values and desires. When out of balance, it can lead to feelings of lack of control or low self-worth.
Continuing up our spine is the heart chakra which is connected with love and compassion—both towards ourselves as well as towards others in our lives. This energy centre helps remind us that by having a kinder perspective on life we can foster deeper connections within relationships while also finding peace within ourselves. When out of balance, it can lead to feelings of hurt or anger from past trauma.
Finally at the top of our spine lies the throat chakra which is tied with communication and truth-telling. This energy centre encourages us to speak up for what we believe in—honouring all aspects of who we are without compromising for anyone else’s sake. When out of balance it can lead to feelings like overcompensating or suppressing one's voice due to fear or anxiety.
Overall, working with these seven major energy centers has many far reaching benefits when trying to heal any aspect related physical health or emotional wellbeing!
Crystal Health Disclaimer
While crystals have been used throughout time to heal medical and emotional ailments, the information on this website is not to be taken as medical advice or to replace proper medical advice and care. Additionally, you should always follow the advice of medical professionals per their diagnoses. Crystal healing should only be seen as supplemental.